
After/Before School

Summer Camp
Before/After School
Mali Akademac is a before and after school care program that balances time to learn with time to play with friends, and finishing homework with sports and other physical activities. These programs are available for school-age children to bridge the time between school and a parent's work schedule, as well as to provide full-time childcare during school breaks and summer vacation.
At this stage of childhood education, children want to discover who they are and to pursue their own interests. They want opportunities to create things, explore acting and drama, master computers, discover new books, and construct imaginary worlds with recycled materials. Whenever school is out, our program is there to encourage a child's desire for new challenges and opportunities that celebrate their expanding world.

Summer Camp
Summer vacation is just around the corner and this means that parents are left with the burden as to where to put their children during working hours. We have just your solution!
In order to beat vacation boredom and make the best of the summer we created a summer camp for kids ages 4-12. Keeping in mind that children are tired from all of their school obligations and deserve a break from school, we have created a summer program that is education (but not in the traditional sense). Mali Akademac wants to give your children the opportunity to develop their language skills with creative workshops in English, as well as the opportunity to make new friends, and spend time outdoors!
Like the rest of us, kids learn best when they’re having fun. Thus, the camp helps children to discover the languages, English, through movement, sight, hearing and emotion and what they learn will be a long-lasting memory. Beside the languages, the camp offers the chance to get children active by encouraging them to try a wide variety of different sports and other creative activities. To sum it up, children will experience learning a language in a fun-packed environment.